(on right: Beth and Marie making a necklace at Kids Club last summer)
"One of the worst feelings I have ever had is when I am not sure if my favorite kid at Totus Park will be there when we come. A six year old girl who I always pray will be there is Marie. All I could do was just hope to see her at our Halloween Party. When we got there I rode with Veronica around Totus Park to pick up kids. Marie and I played all summer and know each other well. When we got to Marie's house her brothers, Andrew, Aaron,and Lester, were in the yard. Aaron knew I was looking for Marie and he ran inside to tell his sister. Next I say the tiny girl rushing around the corner of the house, barefoot, long hair in tangles, screaming "Beth! Beth!" I jumped out of the van and caught her in my arms! It was the first time I had seen her since the summer ended. After that, when she found out that we had forgotten to bring the jump ropes, we did crafts, played with sidewalk chalk, and colored coloring sheets together. We both knew that, with winter weather coming, we wouldn't be able to play like this together until next spring. But we spent that day together, and I will never forget her face when she saw me."
Beth Granberry (age 13)
A note from Chris: Please pray for little Marie. She lives in one of the worst house in Totus Park, the tribal housing project where we do Kid's Club, in White Swan. We all live with the fear, that Beth alludes, to that this might be the last time we see a particular child that we love. Some kids move away with no warning, Child Protective Services removes children from dangerous homes, and sometimes children we love seem to simply disappear. Pray also for my children as the love and minister to the children of White Swan. It is a joy but it is heartbreaking at the same time.